Goals: do they really work

How are you doing? Have you set your goals for the month yet? 

Seriously, do goals work?

You hear about having them all the time-right? How you need goals,write them down,blah,blah,blah.

Besides, why must they be written down? Why isn't it enough to have your goals clearly written in your head,you may ask?

I was the same way. However, one day I decided to experiment. I wrote down my goals for a month and tossed the paper somewhere and forgot all about it. A few months later, I was searching for something and stumbled on this list of goals that I'd forgotten all about.

I picked it up and with a bored look, glossed over my "list". To my surprise, I'd accomplished 5 of my goals from a short list of 8. So...writing down your goals really works. I don't know why or how, but it does.

Small goal, big goals, daily or weekly goals, it doesn't really matter. But you must have goals, preferably written goals to keep you focused.

Determine to make this month a success. Success; means different things to different people, therefore, determine what success means to you while working from home and strive to achieve it.


  1. Thank you for this post. I am always talking about goals myself. I am working on setting monthly goals for myself in regards to my Cookie Lee business. This month I have been able to complete 3 of my 4 goals!

  2. Congrats Hillary:-). That is awesome.I love the feeling of satisfaction that comes with achieving goals.


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