If You Look in the Mirror, You May find You Need a Faith Lift!

Have you ever been in an unfamiliar part of the city and running late for that BIG appointment?  You take several wrong turns and you are lost!  You pull into a convenience store and ask the clerk for directions.  You finally get to the prospect’s office and you start to doubt yourself.  “oh, no, this is the BIGGIE – competition is pulling out of the parking lot, and I can’t blow this one!  I hope this guy can’t tell how nervous I am!”
Wait! Stop! Think! In that short period of time, do you realize that you placed more faith in the clerk who gave you directions than you have placed in yourself?  Even though you don’t know the person, you placed your confidence in him or her.  Yet you begin to doubt someone you’ve known all your life – you!
Why do we do this to ourselves?  Why do we continue to doubt ourselves, yet have so much faith in others?
In order to best serve your prospect today, you must have faith in yourself, your solutions, your company, and your support team.  Starting today – right now – replace doubt with faith.
Doubt sees the obstacles, Faith sees the way.
Doubt sees the darkest night, Faith sees the day.
Doubt dreads to take a step, but Faith soars on high.
Doubt questions, “Who believes?” and Faith answers, “I!”
How do you do this?  One way is to make a “Victory List.”  Write down your past victories and keep them to remind you.  Or read a book, listen to a recording, focus on your past achievements.  Accentuate the positive experiences in your life.
Give yourself a Faith Lift, beginning today!
Now, go sell somebody something!
Bryan Flanagan is the Sales Ambassador and premiere sales trainer for Ziglar.  You can contact Bryan at bflanagan@ziglar.com

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